Peace Park development A community protest was held on 30 May 2022 to protest the development of a parcel of land adjacent to Peace Park. The event included guest speakers and was attended by local politicians. 30 Trevenar Street Ashbury is a rectangular parcel of land, of 6,688 sq metres located in the bottom south-west section of Peace Park. The parcel of land was originally owned by the state government, but was given to Ausgrid. When Ausgrid decided to sell the parcel of land Canterbury Council made recommendations that the land be rezoned to open space. The land is currently zoned R2 Residential, but both the former owners and real estate agent had been informed that the local council intended to rezone it to RE1 Public Recreation. The land was sold to a property developer. Click to view the Protect Our Peace Park website Canterbury racecourse redevelopment A number of community groups have emerged to communicate community concerns regarding the development of Canterbury Racecourse. These include: Canterbury Racecourse Action Group Canterbury Racecourse Action Group - submission to Parliament SydbankAlliance - The battle to save Canterbury Racecourse as open space Canterbury Park Racecourse - Jo Haylen MP Chubb and Tyres4U redevelopment
The Ashbury Community Group was formed in 2015 as a way for local residents to engage with council regarding the Chubb and Tyres4U site rezoning. The group conducted door knocking, hosted regular community meetings, met with council and disseminated information to the community. Click to view the Ashbury Community Group website.
The following changes are currently taking place, or have been proposed or discussed in the past 12 months or so: - the development of the Canterbury Racecourse Masterplan - the moratorium on development of the racecourse has recently expired, the existing racecourse car park is likely to be decommissioned, - heritage restrictions of Ashbury are being reviewed, - the intersection of Milton street and Georges River road is being upgraded, - the Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor is being developed. - substantial high-rise housing development along Canterbury road 1. Deindustrialisation and development - Chubb and Tyre4U A large area of land that was formerly light industrial on 149-163 Milton street Ashbury has been demolished and rezoned for six-storey apartments, The site was the former location of Chubb Security and Tyres4U. Read about the basic facts of the development here: Ashbury Community Group View the Planning Proposal here: Canterbury-Bankstown Planning Proposal 149-163 Milton St, Ashbury View how the site was advertised here: Prestigious Inner West development sites hit the market. 2. Sale of Sydney Water land and development Housing development has been proposed for a section of the land owned by Sydney Water as part of the Ashfield Reservoir. Access the Planning Proposal here: Canterbury-Bankstown Council Planning Proposals 165-169 Holden St, Ashbury Read the Heritage Impact statement here: Ashfield Reservoir Heritage Impact 3. Sale of Ausgrid land and development along fringe of Peace Park - 30 Trevenar st, Ashbury A strip of land previously owned by Ausgrid has recently been sold to a property developer. The land abuts Peace Park and has been open space for an extended period of time. Read about the Mayor's response to the sale of Ausgrid land Canterbury-Bankstown Council - Save Our Park Read about the sale of the site: Real Commercial - Sale of 30 Trevenar st, Ashbury 4. Proposed rezoning of Canterbury Racecourse carpark An application was made to have Area "6A" rezoned. This area of land is used as an overflow carpark when race meetings are on. The application for rezoning was later withdrawn, and it is likely to be considered as part of the Canterbury Racecourse Masterplan (see 5) a5. Canterbury Racecourse Masterplan Recent new indicates that Canterbury Racecourse is likely to be sold to make way for a large housing development. Sydney's Canterbury racecourse could be the city's next major apartment development. High-rise apartments on the cards for Canterbury racecourse. Australian Turf Club confirms plans to redevelop parcel of land at Canterbury Racecourse, but racing to continue. Canterbury racecourse rezoning a "one-off opportunity" turf club chairman says. The future of Canterbury Racecourse - Turfmate Mirvac wins right to develop Australian Turf Club's Canterbury Park racecourse land. Sydney's Canterbury racecourse could be the city's next major apartment development. "It's like a DMZ": Car park DA prompts development fears for Canterbury racecourse. Fears as developers eye-up Canterbury Park racecourse. High rise apartments on the cards for Canterbury Racecourse. ATC forms development partnership with Canterbury Park Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor
In Designing a Liveable City - Part 1, students designed a town In Designing a Liveable City - Part 2, students completed a self-assessment of their town. In Designing a Liveable City - Part 3, students gave and received peer feedback on their towns and responded to the feedback. In Designing a Liveable City - Part 4, students developed their towns working in a larger group, by applying the 5Cs of community building. When students arrive in the class all group tasks have been attached together to make one large city. Some additional land/building spaces has also been added (additional pieces of paper). Students are still responsible for their own area and ensuring the liveability of their residents, but they will now have a say in how the whole city develops. Students will be provided with a number of development proposals that will go before a combined council meeting involving the whole class. They are provided with 5 minutes in their original group to determine which of the developments they might like in/near their original development area. They will also need to assess how each of the developments will impact on liveability of residents. ![]()
Highway A new highway has been built along the edge of the city. Parts of the city which are connected to the highway will have greater access to other parts of the city, other cities and regional areas. However, people around the area of the off-ramp will also be negatively affected by construction and possibly some demolition to make way for new roads. You will need to decide where the off-ramps for the highway will be located. You are allowed to have three off-ramps in total. (Off ramps - minimum 8 cm long) Resort Complex A large multination corporation wants to build a resort complex and marina. It will include several large hotels, a golf course, and specially designed harbour with moorings for yachts and pleasure craft (boats). It needs to be located on the coastline to take advantage of beach locations and provide an appropriate location for the marina. It also needs to be accessible by road. Choose an appropriate location. (Marina - 8cx8cm, resort complex 10cmx10cm). Recreational Complex The Federal government is going to provide substantial funding for a recreation and lifestyle complex and regional park. It will include a number of tennis courts, basketball/netball courts, soccer fields, football fields, as well as some open parkland with bike paths and foot paths. The complex will contribute positively to the quality of life of your residents. Choose an appropriate location. (Recreation complex 12 cmx12cm). National Park Lobbyists have proposed the creation of a national park. The park will protect environmental quality, provide opportunities for recreation (e.g. bushwalking, mountain climbing or snorkelling), and provide opportunities for tourism activities. Choose an appropriate location for the national park (12 cmx12cm). Technology hub A giant technology firm wants to set up a Tech Hub which will include a number of start-up businesses (new, small businesses) as well as several large technology businesses all in the one space. This will provide opportunities for employment in the city. (Tech Hub – 10cmx10cm) Assessing impact As individuals, students need to consider how each of these proposals will impact on liveability for residents, by determining the pros and cons of each proposal. Proposing a site In their original groups, students need to choose the proposal they are most interested in, propose an appropriate site and explain the impact on liveability. Council meeting As a whole class, the students will need to make decisions by consensus, debating and assessing the developments for Liveability. They will need to determine which developments will go ahead, and the best locations for each development proposal. In Designing a Liveable City - Part 1, students designed a town In Designing a Liveable City - Part 2, students completed a self-assessment of their town. In Designing a Liveable City - Part 3, students gave and received peer feedback on their towns and responded to the feedback. When students arrive for this lesson, their towns have changed. The work of two groups has been joined together, so that two towns are now stuck together with some blank space in between. After working together with the one group for a while, at first students may be a little reluctant to work with others in a bigger group, but before long you will find that they will get on board knowing that they have more space to expand their town. Begin the lesson by revising content about Community and the characteristics that influence community identity. Discuss different suburbs or towns close to the school and how each of them have different identities and why. Discuss the culture of different places, and how the culture is expressed through public events and architecture. Revise the role of transport, technology, open spaces, meeting places and employment in building community. Read: The 5 "Cs" of community planning The students will be able to use the 5 "Cs" to guide the way they continue to develop their towns. Students move to their new, combined town and begin working with a larger group. They need to begin by explaining the different aspects of their initial town with the other half of the group and vice versa. Next they need to join the two towns together with roads and public transport and negotiate on how the land between the two towns will be used. Give them a set period of time (5-10 minutes depending on how much is left of the lesson) to work on each of the 5 'Cs'. At the end of the lesson they need to do a quick reassessment of the liveability of their new town based on the criteria provided in the previous lesson. In Designing a Liveable City - Part 1, students designed a town. In Designing a Liveable City - Part 2, students completed a self-assessment of their town. Peer feedback provides an opportunity for students to assess liveability in a practical way, and also allows students to reflect on the feedback of others to make improvement in liveability. Hints on providing feedback. It is important to provide some guidance to students on how to provide effective feedback to their peers. If feedback is too harsh or personal it will not have the desired effect on progress. Provide the students with a brief criteria to base their judgements on, and go through the items listed to ensure the students know what all of the terms mean and the purpose of the task. In this case the criteria is a list of items that contribute to liveability. Students might just make simple suggestions such as "You need to build a high school" or "You need to build a hospital", but hopefully they will provide more detailed responses that indicate more knowledge of course content. In this lesson there were 6 groups of students, and each group rotated around to comment on the town plans of each other group. They were given "Peer Pointer Postcards" to write their comments on. They then returned to their own town map and had to reflect on the feedback given and consider changes to make to their plan. It is worth asking students to hand in their peer feedback to the teacher so you can check the comments that are made. This can then enable the teacher to ask the student to review any comments that are too personal or not detailed enough. Hints on receiving feedback Students who aren't used to peer feedback, may initially become defensive or upset about negative feedback. As the teacher it is important to prepare the students so they are ready and willing to accept ideas from others. A few tips for students:
In Designing a Liveable City - Part 1, students designed a city. Once students have planned their city, they need to undertake a self assessment of their work. As a group they can sit and talk about the different aspects of their city and how they have addressed liveability. Provide them with a criteria to refer to. This might also be a good opportunity to provide students with a summary of the content that has been covered in class in relation to liveability, so that they can make connections between the activity they have been undertaking and course content. ![]()
The aim of this series of lessons is to allow students to apply their understanding of Liveability to a city design task. Students work in groups of 2-3 to design a small town, as the activity progresses they will reflect on what they have learnt in the Place and Liveability topic and apply it to their town. Phase 1: Design your town The first phase of this task involves designing the layout of the town. This will involve the initial road layout, agricultural land uses, some initial commercial land uses, power supply, and water storage. Provide some student choices so that you can provide a few variations in the first round of feedback. Provide students with a base page ( it may or may not have some geographical features on it such as mountains, coastline, rivers, etc). Also provide students with some blank, coloured pieces of paper, or you can copy the templates onto coloured paper - green (agricultural land), blue (water storage), pink (commercial), red (power supply), grey (roads). ![]()
Design feedback This is an opportunity to provide some initial feedback to ensure the students get the basics right. Design the feedback so that it refers to the students as though they are members of the local council. For example, “The roads in your town don’t meet the requirements set out by the state government. You have been asked to resurface and redesign your roads. You need to complete this job before anyone moves into your town.” Phase 2: Moving in... In the second phase of the task, students design the residential layout and density of the town. By placing a relatively small limit on the number of dwellings students have to focus on the layout of the town in the initial phases. ![]()
Town plan scenarios Provide students with some scenarios that will allow them to start to think about the liveability of their towns. By this stage some of the groups' conversations will have already addressed aspects of liveability, but they may not have actually considered in much depth. Students are required to write a brief description of how they addressed each scenario. Phase 3: Enhancing liveability Students will need to respond to the scenarios above, and should have started to consider some of the additional needs of a community. As a class discuss the content related to liveability that you have already covered in class, and then provide students with time to make changes to their town plan. Phase 3: Liveability Students spend some time reviewing their towns and providing initiatives and strategies to make their town more liveable. They also need to address the scenarios provided by the teacher. Writing task Students need to write a description of how their town addresses different aspects of sustainability. Peer feedback Students rotate around to visit other groups' town. They provide feedback on the liveability of each town and make suggestion on how to improve liveability for each town. Next... refer to Designing a Liveable City - Part 2.
Post originally written in 2017, and updated March 2018. This is part of a unit of work for Changing Places - Australia's Urban Future. Lesson 1: Australia's Projected Population Growth Lesson 2: Implications for Future Growth and Sustainability Lesson 3: Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Precinct Lesson 4: WestConnex - Sydney, Sustainability and Transport Lesson 4: Sydney Sustainability and Transport (Teacher's Notes) Lesson 5: The GreenWay Lesson 5: Deindustrialisation Lesson 6: Create an infographic Lesson 7: Contributing to a Sustainable Urban Future Lesson 7: WestConnex - Protest Movements and Impacts Lesson 7: Conflict Over Dulwich Hill OR See the complete unit on the Changing Places website. The NSW Government has released a revised Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Strategy for public comment. The strategy will be implemented over 20 years and sees plans for urban consolidation and retail opportunities along the a new metro line which will replace the existing train line and link with the Metroline being built in Sydney's north west. It includes the creation of over 35,000 new homes. View the Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor website. Priority Precincts where development will be concentrated include Campsie, Canterbury, Lakemba and Belmore. Developments in these areas will include buildings up to 25 storeys high. Marrickville will have an increase in homes of 84%, while Canterbury will increase by 208%. and Belmore will increase 128%. Some suburbs such as Dulwich Hill and Hurlstone Park have had a reduction in the number of new dwellings proposed compared to the previous plan released. View Changing Places: Conflict over development in Dulwich Hill. The existing rail line between Sydenham to Bankstown will be converted to a Metro line. During construction the rail line will not be in operation. It is anticipated that once completed, it will reduce wait times and travel times to the city. However, the existing rail line allows commuters to connect with the existing CityRail network and travel to locations such as Chester Hill, Villawood, Cabramatta and Liverpool, without having to change trains. Commuters can then change trains to connect with the rest of the CityRail network. It is unclear at this stage how the Metro line will interact with the existing City Rail and light rail networks. Residents and community groups have expressed some concerns regarding the increased level of density and population. Concerns relate to inadequate parkland and open space, destruction of heritage architecture, new designs which are unsympathetic to the heritage nature of suburbs, and lack of supporting infrastructure. There has been limited information released regarding industrial and commercial zoning, and concerns have been raised regarding the sustainability of the development. The rezoning will also take place years before the Metro line will finished. Supporters of the developments state that high density is better for the environment than urban sprawl and increases connectivity and land values in the area. The renewal strategy announcement has come at a time when residents of the Inner West are already dealing with a large number of new developments and there is a perception that there is an inequitable system of planning in place. For example Council targets for new housing approvals have been exceeded in Canterbury, but many other council areas such as Hunters Hill, Warringah, Pittwater, Willoughby and Manly have not met their targets. There have been a range of issues associated with the WestConnex development such as compulsory acquisition and demolition of houses, encroaching on parks, noise and construction issues. The recently announced future sale of Canterbury Racecourse for development has also been an issue of contention. These issues combined are likely to make Inner West residents less persuadable when it comes to future developments. Lesson Activities: Define the terms low-density, medium-density and high-density. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each type of housing. Examine: Outline the changes that will occur in each Inner West suburb as a result of the Sydenham to Bankstown Planned Precinct. Assess how the new Metroline will support population growth in the Urban Activation Precincts. Extra resources: Residents, ex-pollies baulk at high density in revised Sydneham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Strategy. Planning experts say development should be embraced and not feared along Sydenham to Bankstown corridor. Sydney's tale of two suburbs: new analysis shows the wide spread of development. Metro's on the wrong track High rise to hell Open season on high rise Heritage, character face destruction Inner West needs nine new schools ![]()
This post was originally written in January 2017, and edited in March 2018.
This is part of a unit of work for Changing Places - Australia's Urban Future. Lesson 1: Australia's Projected Population Growth Lesson 2: Implications for Future Growth and Sustainability Lesson 3: Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Precinct Lesson 4: WestConnex - Sydney, Sustainability and Transport Lesson 4: Sydney Sustainability and Transport (Teacher's Notes) Lesson 5: The GreenWay Lesson 5: Deindustrialisation Lesson 6: Create an infographic Lesson 7: Contributing to a Sustainable Urban Future Lesson 7: WestConnex - Protest Movements and Impacts Lesson 7: Conflict Over Dulwich Hill OR See the complete unit on the Changing Places website. Changing Places (Year 9) The Changing Places topic requires students to explain processes and influences that form and transform places and environments (GE5-2) and to assess management strategies for places and environments for their sustainability (GE5-5). The topic requires students to examine urbanisation, the impact of migration and strategies to address change in urban places and how they enhance sustainability. As a part of examining the causes and consequences of urbanisation, students will have investigated spatial distribution patterns of urbanisation (for example the influence of transport corridors), and the social, economic and environmental consequences of urbanisation (this could include traffic congestion, costs of tolls or costs of constructing new infrastructure, average times people spend commuting to work, the impact of car exhaust on air quality). In examining urban settlement patterns students will specifically address the impact of transportation networks in Australian and another country to explain differences in urban concentrations. While there is scope to deal with a range of issues and influences related to urbanisation and urban settlement, there is certainly an opportunity to develop a unit of work that develops students’ understanding in car dependence, traffic congestion, public transport, road networks, etc. to lead them to be able to examine this issue of the WestConnex development from a range of perspectives and with detailed background knowledge. In the last part of the Changing Places topic students investigate the management and planning of Australia’s urban future, including Australia’s population projections, implications for growth and sustainability, strategies to create sustainable urban places and ways for individuals and groups to become involved. WestConnex provides a great case study to examine this. Obviously you need to address the points at the national scale, but the WestConnex project impacts on such a large are of Sydney that you might find that many of your students are already engaged with (or at least aware of) the project in some way. Urban Places/ Urban Dynamics (Year 12) If you choose to do Sydney as a large city case study for Urban Places the WestConnex project could also tie into the - growth, development, future trends and ecological sustainability dot point. This is part of a unit of work for Changing Places - Australia's Urban Future. Lesson 1: Australia's Projected Population Growth Lesson 2: Implications for Future Growth and Sustainability Lesson 3: Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Precinct Lesson 4: WestConnex - Sydney, Sustainability and Transport Lesson 4: Sydney Sustainability and Transport (Teacher's Notes) Lesson 5: The GreenWay Lesson 5: Deindustrialisation Lesson 6: Create an infographic Lesson 7: Contributing to a Sustainable Urban Future Lesson 7: WestConnex - Protest Movements and Impacts Lesson 7: Conflict Over Dulwich Hill OR See the complete unit on the Changing Places website. Dulwich Hill is a suburb located in Sydney's Inner West, surrounded by Summer Hill, Hurlstone Park, Marrickville, Petersham, Lewisham and Earlwood. It experienced growth in the late 1800s following the introduction of the tram line, and as a result contains buildings with heritage architecture, particularly Federation architecture. The tram line through Dulwich Hill was not in use as public transport from the 1950s. The Inner West light rail extension in 2013 reconnected Dulwich Hill by rail with nearby suburbs and the city. For more details see my previous post Inner West Light Rail Extension. For more information about the history and development of Dulwich Hill, visit the Dulwich Hill section of the Marrickville historical society - Dulwich Hill - a history. The Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Strategy, encompasses the suburb of Dulwich Hill, rezoning for higher density and redevelopment of older buildings. Changes to zoning as part of this strategy can be seen on the Planning NSW website - Dulwich Hill Landuse Plan. The plan for Dulwich Hill includes 2000 more dwellings, with 3 storey development along Wardell Road, and unit developments from 3-5 storeys near the Dulwich Hill station. Higher density housing developments are zoned for around the Dulwich Hill light rail station (between 3-7 storeys). 8 storey developments will be allowed around Arlington Grove Light Rail station. View the Changing Places - Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Precinct post. The Save Dulwich Hill Community Group promotes issues related to the redevelopment of the suburbs and lobbies the government to preserve the heritage of suburb. Visit the Save Dully website to read more about their actions. |
December 2024