James Heafey and I presented a session on Ecosystem Restoration - Engaging students in Geography through ecosystem restoration projects, at the recent Australian Geography Teachers Association conference. As it turned out, this was a really relevant topic for the conference - there was a sand dune restoration project not even a kilometre from one of the hotels I stayed in, and while in Kakadu I flew over the Ranger Uranium mine, currently undergoing rehabilitation. Does the Ranger example even count as ecosystem restoration? I think not, but it is worth including it in the discussion, and asking some questions... This presentation has built on the work of a number of Geography and Science teachers over the last few years who have worked on some of these projects. Click the image below to view the full presentation. 2021-2030 is the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Ecosystem restoration refers to initiatives that assist in the recovery of degraded ecosystems and in some cases conserving ecosystems still intact. It seeks to initiate or accelerate ecosystem recovery following damage, degradation or destruction, and involves creating the conditions needed for recovery. Actions related to ecosystem restoration could include altering landforms, planting vegetation, removing invasive species, changing hydrology, etc. Ecosystem restoration activities can be short or long term, but it will take a long time before the ecosystem can become self-organising again. The process of restoration may take years or decades. Ecosystem restoration projects are an excellent opportunity to improve student engagement in Geography, Science, Marine Studies and STEM, and provide a real world context for students to apply their knowledge and skills in a meaningful way. Criticisms of Geography can be that it tends to be very problems focused. We often study an environment or an issue, the geographical processes related to it, the various issues and implications related to a problem, and then right at the end (often when we have lost student interest) we start exploring possible solutions and ways of addressing sustainability. A focus on ecosystem restoration projects, enables students to explore positive activities that are occurring in their community, and then explore what those solutions are addressing, the processes and the environment. It is almost turning the learning on its head and provides an almost "positive psychology" approach to learning about environments and Geography. Currently in Sydney there are a range of ecosystem restoration projects underway that are having regular successes, regularly receive positive media attention, and are winning awards. Seabirds to Seascapes is a three-year project, led by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). It aims to bring important ecosystems and marine wildlife back to the harbour. Seabirds to Seascapes consistes of three main projects: Project Restore – restoration of Sydney Harbour seascapes through installing Living Seawalls and replanting sea grasses and kelp. Penguin census – counting little penguins and monitoring breeding colonies and their foraging behaviours along the NSW coast. Seal survey – monitoring Australian and New Zealand fur seal populations in New South Wales. It involves a range of government organisations, research institutions and community groups including: DCCEEW's National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), Biodiversity, Conservation and Science Division (BCS), Science, Economics and Insights (SEI), Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS - University of Technology Sydney, Macquarie University, the University of NSW and the University of Sydney), Taronga Conservation Society (penguin count and seal census), CSIRO, Marine conservation groups and Gamay Rangers. Beyond Sydney and the Seabirds to Seascapes projects, there are a wide range of organisations involved in ecosystem restoration projects, many which have been operating over a long period and which already provide opportunities for schools and student involvement. Landcare and Greening Australia are the obvious examples, and tree planting is an activity students have been involved with for many years. WetlandCare Australia, and OzFish are involved in a range of projects. New York Harbour School and the Billion Oyster Project In. exploring ways that schools might be able to get involved in the ecosystem restoration projects occurring in Sydney, I came across the New York Harbour School and Billion Oyster Project. The New York Harbour School connects the school - located on an island in the NY harbour on Governors Island, with learning - both theoretical and practical, about ecosystem restoration. Students are introduced to the of study of aquaculture, marine biology research, marine policy and advocacy, marine systems technology, ocean engineering, professional diving, and vessel operations in addition to their traditional high school coursework. Billion Oyster Project is restoring oyster reefs to New York Harbor in collaboration with New York City communities. Oyster reefs provide habitat for hundreds of species, and can protect our city from storm damage — softening the blow of large waves, reducing flooding, and preventing erosion along the shorelines. Field stations are restoration sites where Billion Oyster Project, or our partner organizations, host regular field days utilizing an oyster installation. They are targeted for long-term community and student engagement with an emphasis on local involvement. - Billion Oyster Project website The New York Harbour School and Billion Oyster Project provide an example of student involvement in an ecosystem restoration project that is driving the learning of the whole school. This isn't a realistic expectation for most of us, and most schools, but what can we achieve in a normal mainstream school, with limited time and limited budget? Schools Foreshore Project Read about student involvement in the Balmain Foreshore Project: Balmain Foreshore Project - Introduction Gardening Below the Surface - Operation Posidonia Balmain Foreshore Project - Trial Activities Balmain Foreshore Project - Implementation Balmain Foreshore Project - Living Seawalls Balmain Foreshore Project - Living Seawalls: Pre-Installation Biodiversity Survey Balmain Foreshore Project - Launch and 2023 Reflection Balmain Foreshore Project - Bush care, Year 9 2024 Click the image below to view the Balmain Foreshore Project section of the presentation. Below are the Year 9 and 10 student worksheets. Click the download button to view them full size. View the Balmain Foreshore Project website here: sites.google.com/education.nsw.gov.au/balmain-foreshore-project/home Work is now underway to introduce a Hunters Hill Foreshore Project, based at Hunters Hill High school. Initial meetings have taken place and funding is currently being sought. This project will focus on mangroves, and the installation of Living Seawalls, but will link the project with the new Senior Geography syllabus implementation.
This year saw the third year of implementing the Balmain Foreshore Project. In 2022 and 2023, the project was implemented with Year 10 students, and this year the project was expanded into Year 9. Again, it saw the Geography and Science teachers of an Enrichment class working together to provide an alternate, extension program. The Year 10 program involves a focus on mangroves and the intertidal zone to study the Environmental Change and Management topic in Geography, and the Chemistry topic in Science (mainly learnig about water testing). This year the Year 9 Science class was studying a topic called Ecosystems - a combination of a number of syllabus topics, and Biomes in Geography. This seemed like it was a pretty natural fit. For 2024, the decision was made to extend the project to Year 9 and to take a different but complementary approach to examining the foreshore by examining bushcare sites along the foreshore. A section of the school grounds, adjacent to the site where the Living Seawalls were installed the previous year, has a bushcare site maintained by volunteers. Less than a 2km walk away, is another bushcare site located at Callan Park. Students carried out a comparison study between the two sites. The Balmain Foreshore Project allows students to undertake a set of tests, and fieldwork activities which address investigation and inquiry skills requirements in both Geography and Science. The similarities and connections between the Geographic Inquiry process and a Scientific Investigation was explained, and links between the Science and Geography content was discussed with students. Students were asked to develop a series of inquiry questions to guide their investigation into the two bush care sites. They were also asked to identify appropriate fieldwork they could undertake to carry out their investigation. Students were introduced to the two bush cares sites - one on school grounds, and another a couple of kilometres away in a local park. Information was provided about soils, vegetation, fauna and comparable, nearby sites in close to their natural state. Students undertook some basic fieldwork to become familiar with the two sites - an environmental perception form and field sketch. They also undertook abiotic testing of the two sites - air temperature, soil temperature, humidity, light intensity, wind speed and direction, soil texture, soil parent material, soil moisture/colour and leaf litter depth. At each site, student choose three plants on which to undertake Specific plant studies. This included a small drawing to the tree shape, an estimation of the tree height, trunk circumference, the flower shape and colour, a drawing and description of the leaf shape and colour, a description of the bark texture and colour and drawing of a seed pod. Students were required to take a series of photographs recording the types of trees and plants found at each location. These photos were then uploaded into a shared Google folder for identification. A bird field guide and associated tally sheet were used to enable students to complete a bird biodiversity study. Following the fieldwork activities, students were required to plan, write, film, narrate a video documentary to present their findings. In the process of completing their documentaries several groups of students also undertook filmed interviews with members of the public.
The project culminated in a class debate: Urbanisation is a threat to sustainable biomes. Should there be limitations on urban land uses on the Iron Cove foreshore to prioritise environmental conservation? Students in our Year 10 Enrichment class are currently undertaking the Balmain Foreshore Project, a cross curriculum unit of work in Geography and Science. Implementing the project The first full implementation of the project occurred during the second half of Term 1, 2023. It will result in a separate teaching and learning program for our Enrichment class (a class designed specifically to cater for HPGE students), including different content and learning activities. The students will also have a differentiated assessment task. Students were led through initial discussions about the main aim of the project - a focus on research and hands-on application of research to rehabilitate a section of Balmain foreshore on school grounds. In this iteration of the project, students focused on extent and quality of mangroves in the area. An important part of this project has been making Geography come alive as a subject - engaging students actively in physical activity, getting out of the classroom and engaging in practical activities. Students kayaked from the school grounds to observe and test mangroves on the foreshore at Rodd Point. They undertook monitoring of mangroves using GPS mapping, water testing, field sketches, underwater and aerial drone activities, photography and observation. Students undertook a weed assessment on site at the school and and some weed removal, completed a rubbish count and analysis of types of rubbish around the foreshore and during the school's participation in Clean Up Australia Day, the class did their clean up focused in the foreshore area of the school.
Students participated in a workshop with Jenny Newell, the Climate Change Curator at the Australian Museum. The group was involved in a discussion of the global context of environmental change and management including climate change and the sensitivity of environments, global actions that address climate change and personal responsibility around environmental issues. They also explored how the Balmain Foreshore Project, a local initiative, fits into this wider context, and how they can make a positive contribution to their community. Students also met with Charles Scarf, Environment Manager with Rozelle Interchange/Western Harbour Tunnel. He spoke about their project and the environmental impact process they had to follow to get approval, as well as how both science and geography investigation is used in the project and the careers opportunities in this kind of field. This is one of several posts about our Balmain Foreshore Project. Read more... Balmain Foreshore Project - Introduction Gardening Below the Surface - Operation Posidonia Balmain Foreshore Project - Trial Activities Balmain Foreshore Project - Implementation Balmain Foreshore Project - Living Seawalls Balmain Foreshore Project - Living Seawalls: Pre-Installation Biodiversity Survey Balmain Foreshore Project - Bush care, Year 9 2024 Read related article: Balmain Foreshore Project - Introduction about a cross curriculum project that I am co-leading with our Head Teacher HSIE Mitch Arvidson and several other teachers. In Term 4, a range of trial activities were run for the Balmain Foreshore Project, following the end of formal assessment tasks for Year 10 in Term 4. This time period was chosen for the trial activities because it is a low risk, low stakes period, and enabled teachers to experiment without impacting on report results, exams, etc. These included individual, hands on activities, excursions and a guest presenter. Only limited teaching of content occurred during the trial due to limited time available. The first full implementation of the project is proposed for the second half of Term 1, 2023. It will result in a separate teaching and learning program for the Enrichment class, including different content, learning activities, etc. The students will also have a differentiated assessment task. In this trial period, students have assessed the focus area, which is on the border fo the school. They have completed an environmental assessment and undertaken field sketches. Groups of students undertook aerial surveys of the focus area with the school's drones. These are intended to be used by students in future year groups to undertake comparisons to determine change over time. In total, around 20 aerial photos were taken as well as some video footage. Students went on an excursion to Cockatoo Island to learn about the history of the harbour and the different ways that the harbour has been used. Students undertook monitoring of local mangroves using GPS mapping, photography and observation. These trial activities were undertaken to study the Balmain Foreshore in the context of examining Environmental Change and Management (Year 10) of Sydney Harbour and Parramatta River but could also be used for studying Biomes (Year 9).
This is one of several posts about our Balmain Foreshore Project. Read more... Balmain Foreshore Project - Introduction Gardening Below the Surface - Operation Posidonia Balmain Foreshore Project - Trial Activities Balmain Foreshore Project - Implementation Balmain Foreshore Project - Living Seawalls Balmain Foreshore Project - Living Seawalls: Pre-Installation Biodiversity Survey Balmain Foreshore Project - Bush care, Year 9 2024 What is the aim of the Balmain Foreshore Project?
The aim of the Balmain Foreshore Project is an initiative to provide a more specialised program involving more challenge and differentiation to extend and engage students in our Enrichment class. It involves the development of a cross-curriculum unit of work, incorporating critical thinking and focusing on research and hands-on application of research to rehabilitate a section of Balmain foreshore on school grounds. The project has been design in collaboration with the Head Teacher HSIE. How does the project use Professional Learning Networks? The project will be facilitated by professional learning of a group of teachers through creating a professional learning network with staff in a number of organisations to draw on expertise and access research to support the development of learning activities, and build teacher capacity. Advice was sought from a range of experts in the initial phase including Jenny Newell, the climate curator from the Australian Museum, Tim Flannery from the Climate Council, and Dr Jenni Mallela from the Australian National University. In addition to making direct professional connections, staff have used social media to learn about related programs and initiatives such as Operation Posidonia, Operation Crayweed and Operation Straw. How will the project shape teaching and learning? The project will result in the creation of a specific teaching and learning program for the Stage 5 Enrichment class which focuses on the core subjects of Geography and Science, but draws on expertise developed in various subjects. The project will engage students in practical, hands on learning, create a community connection by involving students in the monitoring and rehabilitation of a local environment, meaningfully engage students with wider political/community discussions and issues, and provide a solutions focus - not focusing only on problems, but how students can bring about positive change and be active citizens. How will the project address real world issues? The Balmain Foreshore Project provides opportunities for students to engage in multi-week projects which address environmental issues in our community. The plan of the project is for students in Year 9 and 10 in Geography topics such as Biomes and Environmental Change and Management to engage in a single monitoring and rehabilitation project. Each year group and each year will have the opportunity to choose a focus from issues such as marine pollution, sustainable moorings, seawall panels, IBC aquaponics, seagrass planting, seahorse hotels or cray weed planting. This is one of several posts about our Balmain Foreshore Project. Read more... Balmain Foreshore Project - Introduction Gardening Below the Surface - Operation Posidonia Balmain Foreshore Project - Trial Activities Balmain Foreshore Project - Implementation Balmain Foreshore Project - Living Seawalls Balmain Foreshore Project - Living Seawalls: Pre-Installation Biodiversity Survey Balmain Foreshore Project - Bush care, Year 9 2024
A bushfire started on December 31 at Charmhaven on the Central Coast and burned over several days. This is one of the smaller fires in The Australian Bushfires 2019-2020, but still burnt out 418ha of land. Local residents were issued with warnings and in some cases were evacuated. Two homes, located on Birdwood Drive and Arizona Drive were lost.
The photos below show the aftermath of the fire, taken on 18 January. There is some evidence of regrowth, but the fire-ground still smelt of smoke and was still hot underfoot.
Community groups have attempted to rescue injured wildlife and provide food for them. Below are photos of food left in a hanging container and food left on a tree stump.
Coordination of feeding and watering stations has been aided by the using of spatial technologies such as Google maps.
A Water Our Wildlife CCWSAR Map has been developed to help volunteers know where feeding and watering stations have been set up, so that people can visit them independently and re-stock them.. |
December 2024