The Spirit of Anzac is a touring exhibition featuring genuine artefacts and stories. To promote the tour the Australian War Memorial and the Australian Government have sent out packages to schools of about 10 Google Cardboard head sets in boxes. You can download the Spirit of Anzac 360 Explorer App from the App Store or Google Play.
The actual headset is already made when it arrives and is packaged within a cover to protect the set. It is quite robust (a little more sturdy than the Google Cardboard sets I have purchased from Ebay before and discusses in previous posts). The lenses are quite large, which will enhance the viewer experience, and some additional velcro and padding should also add to the experience. The App provides an interactive tour of the displays at the Spirit of Anzac exhibition. Students can focus on a particular image and information pops up to explain the display. This isn't as immersive as some other Google Cardboard apps that I have reviewed, but given that it is being sent to schools for free and that the app is free it would be a useful and interesting way to engage students with the displays prior to a visit. The exhibition is showing at:
Explore The Spirit of Anzac - What to Expect Access the Spirit of Anzac Google Cardboard User Guide Some other options of Google Cardboard/Virtual Reality apps that you might like to look at are: War of Words VR This VR experience uses the Seigfried Sassoon poem "The Kiss" as the basis of the experience. It is an animated experience created by BBC Arts. It promotes the feature-length documentary War of Words - Soldier-poets of the Somme. Trench Experience Trench Experience enables the user to experience an authentic trench from world War I. This is like a virtual museum. Diggers Trench VR This VR experience is only available with Oculus Rift - not Google Cardboard. However, I imagine that as Google Cardboard begins to be used more that this will be the type of experiences that we can expect more of. This is more story based. As a new recruit you experience life in the tranches and are able to influence some of the events that unfold in the story.
Video conferencing tools:
Benefits of videoconferencing:
Providers for video conferencing:
Once you have done a few organised sessions and feel comfortable using the technology, you will be able to make connections with people and organise your own presenters. Video Conference lesson Research the work of the organisation or person that will be running the videoconference. Provide a brief summary of the work of the organisation or person. Formulate a number of questions that you can ask to the person during the videoconference. These may relate to the work of your class as a whole or your own geographical inquiry. As a class collect the questions that have been designed and remove any duplicates. It may be beneficial to send the questions to your presenter ahead of the video conference. Brainstorm:
How does online gaming relate to the topic of Consumer Choice? What are the consumer decisions you have to make as an online gamer? Investigate: Your friends have recently introduced you to online gaming, but you don't know a lot about it. Investigate the range of online gaming products and services available. - What are the different products and services? - What are the similaraities/differences between the different products? - Are there different brands associated with particular online gaming products? What are they? Research: Research a particular product related to online gaming. It may be a particular gaming console, a subscription to a particular game or gaming accessories. Ensure that you choose something that can be purchased in a range of different places (online or real)/shops. Compare the prices and deals that are available for the purchase of this item. Keep a record of all the details including price, specifications, and where it is available. Record this information in a table. Discuss: Discuss the need for consumer protection for online gamers. (approx. 1 typed page) Create: Create a website which teaches your classmates about consumer choice and the need for consumer protection for online gaming. |
December 2024