Georges River Fieldwork
There is a range of fieldwork techniques that can be used in studying catchment functioning. Some of these fieldwork techniques which relate specifically to the river include:
- water quality
- measuring changes in channel shape
- velocity
- discharge
- material carried in the stream
- biodiversity survey.
Below are links to videos from Georges Riverkeeper explaining some relevant types of fieldwork.
- water quality
- measuring changes in channel shape
- velocity
- discharge
- material carried in the stream
- biodiversity survey.
Below are links to videos from Georges Riverkeeper explaining some relevant types of fieldwork.
Below are duplicate activities for four different locations. These are intended as a single site fieldwork activity that you could fit into a single or double period if your school is located within walking distance of one of the fieldwork sites: Orphan School Creek, Chipping Norton Lake, Salt Pan Creek or Woronora River.