We visited Herculaneum today. We were approached by a woman who introduced herself as an archaeologist working on the site and asked if we would like a tour with her. Conchetta (Connie) was fantastic. The depth of knowledge added so much to the experience. She took us underground to an excavated pool, pointed out restoration efforts, showed us areas where items had been removed and so on. We loved every minute of it. Connie was really engaging and obviously enjoyed presenting her work, and as a result she really passed on her enthusiasm to us. When Mt Vesuvius erupted it threw out a gigantic cloud of volcanic ash 30 km into the sky. Herculaneum was also impact by earthquakes. Hot ash and gas rolled down the slope of the volcano burying Herculanuem underground, in some places as deep as 23 metres. Over time Herculaneum was looted with many pieces of marble and bronze statues taken.
With the election of a new Federal Government this weekend, comes some uncertainty for educators, particularly historians. There are a range of issues for schools such as sources of school funding, funding equity, technology integration and interference in curriculum. For the HSIE teacher perhaps the most important of these is that Tony Abbot has indicated that he intends to rewrite the Australian Curriculum for history. Program Builder is a new interactive tool to assist staff in writing new programs. It enables you to drag in different elements of the syllabus to create programs quickly and easily. Program Builder can be found on the Board of Studies website. Professional Learning Examine the Your school and the History 7-10 syllabus online course. You will need to be logged into the DET portal to gain access, alternatively from the staff portal (staff.det.nsw.edu.au), click on Curriculum resources, click on AC - NSW syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum, and then click on Professional Learning.For help accessing the courses, view the access guide. Teachmeet AC History 2013 is going to be held on May 1 at the State Library from 4pm. This is a free event. Where are we up to? The Board of Studies has finalised the NSW syllabus K-10 for History. In 2014, the new syllabus is to be implemented for years 7 and 9. In 2015, the new syllabus is to be implemented for years 8 and 10. Syllabus and programming Board of Studies syllabus 7-10 Sample scope and sequences Differentiated programming History 7-10 Guide Resources Sample units of work DEC resources You will need to be logged into the DET portal to gain access, alternatively from the staff portal (staff.det.nsw.edu.au), click on Curriculum resources, click on AC - NSW syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum, and then click on Resources. Alternatively you can search for the resources on Tale. Syllabus Bites: Explore a source Syllabus Bites: Ancient India Resources from ABC Splash Resources from Asia Education Foundation Resources from the Department of Veteran Affairs |
December 2024